SDSTC LogoStanford Genome Technology Center 
Technology Development Group
Site Index 


Instruments & Protocols 
  • Hydrodynamic DNA Shearer
  • Plaque Picker
  • High Capacity Shaker
  • Template Preparation Machine
  • Flow Through Micro-Centrifuge
  • Plasmid Preparation Machine
  • Thermocycler
  • Capillary Electrophoresis
  • Oligonucleotide Synthesizer
  • Arrayer
  • Scanner

  • Automated Sequencing System 
    Functional Analysis 
    Software Development 
    Technology Development Group 

    The Technology Development Group at the Stanford Genome Technology Center (the former Stanford DNA Sequencing and Technology Center) is responsible for developing custom instrumentation and novel technology to increase the throughput and lower the cost of DNA sequencing and analysis. The following pages give an overview of our group, the projects we are currently engaged in, and the instrumentation and software we have created. 

    Instrumentation which is exported or commercialized from our lab carries the SUTECH® logo developed in conjunction with the Office of Technology Licensing. 

    This work is funded by the National Human Genome Research Institute

    Staff | Instruments & Protocols | Automated Sequencing System | Functional Analysis | Software Development
    Stanford Genome Technology Center:
    Technology Development Group
    855 California Avenue | Palo Alto, CA 94304 | Phone: (650) 812-2007 | Fax: (650) 812-1975