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UBC scientist is sending yeast and algae to space on Artemis 1. See Post


UBC scientist’s ‘mutant yeast’ from space could help future astronauts, cancer patients. See Post


How a Canadian scientist is using yeast to help protect future astronauts from cosmic radiation. See Post


Dr. Corey Nislow on sending yeast and algae to space. See Post


NASA shot yeast into space. The science could help protect astronauts, researchers say. See Post


B.C. researcher unveils space yeast that could enable deep-space travel. See Post


Cell biologist Corey Nislow shows a sample of chlamydomonas reinhardtii algae recently returned from a 25-day trip in space to the moon and back. See Post


Personalized Medicine Tech is Coming to Canada (w/ Dr. Corey Nislow, University of British Columbia). See Post


Living Organ Donation: Would you do it? (w/ Corey Nislow, UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences). See Post


Shuttle Atlantis to launch with yeast developed by Canadian researchers

UBC is sending yeast to orbit the moon. Here’s why it matters for human space exploration

Viral Genomics - Why the Outcomes of the 1918 Spanish Flu and COVID-19 Will Differ | One Hour @ UBC

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