Single reference well

Set a well as reference for all other wells in the growth plate, either before or after the experiment is completed

1. Setting the reference well at startup

In the Config_Growth_Protocol:
In the Run_Details (1) go to the Additional Options tab (2) and set the reference well (3) to desired well name e.g. A01... H12

2. Setting or changing the reference well after the experiment is completed

Go to the Plate_View interface (see topic: Open and view data from the database (DB) or file server)
1. Well A1 is set as the reference (r button is highlighted green), unclick the r button to change
2. Set to single_ref

NOTE: you can select several reference wells at one time. For "single_ref" only the first reference well encountered is used as the reference well in the data analysis.

Select a new reference well

To select a new reference well (in this example B02) click the r button (1), all related growth metrics such as ratio_average G are automatically recalculated

Save the re-analyzed growth metrics

1. To save the reanalyzed data click on DB Export
2. If you wish to save several different reference sets, change the Analysis_Set with each change (ie reference well A01, set A, refence well H12, set B etc), only use this option if there is a need to save multiple analyses of the same data
3. Click Done to exit Plate_View

NOTE: When performing global analysis of data with multiple Analysis_Sets, the data collation methods need take into account that there will be more than one analysis set stored in the Database so that the correct data analysis is retrieved.

Previous Lesson: Open and view data from the database (DB) or file server Table of Contents Next Lesson: Multiple References, by_row or by_column