Databases and Datasets


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Databases and Datasets

Below are datasets and databases from published yeast deletion experiments.
The links below will open a new browser window.

Go to "downloads" if you are looking for general information about the collection.

Gu, Z., et al. Role of duplicate genes in genetic robustness against null mutations. Nature, 42, 63-66. (2003) abstract
Steinmetz, L., et al. Systematic screen for human disease genes in yeast. Nature Genetics. 31, 400-404. (2002) abstract
Fraser, H. B., et al. Evoluationary Rate in the Protein Interaction Network. Science, 296, 750-752. (2002) abstract

Deutschbauer, A. M., Williams, R., Chu, A. M., and Davis, R. W. Parallel phenotypic analysis of sporulation and postgermination growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PNAS 99: 15530-15535. (2002) abstract

Click here to get to the Sporulation Web page.

Giaever, G., et al. Functional Profiling of theSaccharomyces cerevisiae Genome. Nature 418, 387-391. (2002) abstract


Winzeler, E., et al Functional Characterization of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Genome by Gene Deletion and Parallel Analysis. Science. 285, 901-906. (1999) abstract


last updated Jan03