Select References

Baudin, A., et al. A simple and efficient method
for direct gene deletion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nucleic
Acids Research. 21, 3329-3330 (1993)
Wach, A., Brachat, A., Pohlmann, R. & Philippsen, P. New heterologous
modules for classical or PCR-based gene disruptions in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. Yeast . 10, 1793-1808 (1994). abstract
Shoemaker, D., et al. Quantitative phenotypic analysis
of yeast deletion mutants using a highly parallel molecular bar-coding
strategy. Nature Genetics. 14, 450-456 (1996).
abstract below
Brachmann, et al. Designer deletion strains derived from Saccharomyces
cerevisiae S288C: a useful set of strains and plasmids for PCR-mediated
gene disruption and other applications. Yeast. 14,
115-132 (1998) abstract below
Giaever, G., et al. Genomic profiling of drug sensitivities
via induced haploinsufficiency.Nature Genetics. 21,
278-283 (1999) abstract below
Winzeler, E., et al Functional Characterization of the Saccharomyces
cerevisiae Genome by Gene Deletion and Parallel Analysis. Science.
285, 901-906. (1999) abstract
Hughes, T., et al. Widespread aneuploidy revealed by DNA microarray
expression profiling. Nature Genetics. 25, 333 - 337
(2000) abstract below
Giaever, G., et al. Functional Profiling of theSaccharomyces
cerevisiae Genome. Nature 418, 387-391. (2002) abstract
Steinmetz, L., et al. Systematic screen for human disease genes
in yeast. Nature Genetics. 31, 400-404. (2002) abstract
Deutschbauer, A. M., Williams, R., Chu, A. M., and Davis, R.
W. Parallel phenotypic analysis of sporulation and postgermination
growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PNAS 99:
15530-15535. (2002) abstract
Fraser, H. B., et al. Evolutionary Rate in the Protein Interaction
Network. Science, 296, 750-752. (2002) abstract
Gu, Z., et al. Role of duplicate genes in gentic robustness
against null mutations. Nature, 42, 63-66. (2003) abstract

New heterologous modules for classical or PCR-based
gene disruptions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Achim Wach(1), Arndt Brachat, Rainer
Pöhlmann and Peter Philipspsen.
(1) Institut fur Angewandte Mikrobiologie, Universitat Basel, Switzerland.
We have constructed and tested a dominant resistance
module, for selection of S. cerevisiae transformants, which
entirely consists of heterologous DNA. This kanMX module contains
the known kanr open reading-frame of the E. coli transposon Tn903
fused to transcriptional and translational control sequences of the
TEF gene of the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii. This hybrid module
permits efficient selection of transformants resistant against geneticin
(G418). We also constructed a lacZMT reporter module in which the
open reading-frame of the E. coli lacZ gene (lacking the first 9 codons)
is fused at its 3' end to the S. cerevisiae ADH1 terminator. KanMX
and the lacZMT module, or both modules together, were cloned in the
center of a new multiple cloning sequence comprising 18 unique restriction
sites flanked by Not I sites. Using the double module for constructions
of in-frame substitutions of genes, only one transformation experiment
is necessary to test the activity of the promotor and to search for
phenotypes due to inactivation of this gene. To allow for repeated
use of the G418 selection some kanMX modules are flanked by 470 bp
direct repeats, promoting in vivo excision with frequencies of 10(-3)-10(-4).
The 1.4 kb kanMX module was also shown to be very useful for PCR based
gene disruptions. In an experiment in which a gene disruption was
done with DNA molecules carrying PCR-added terminal sequences of only
35 bases homology to each target site, all twelve tested geneticin-resistant
colonies carried the correctly integrated kanMX module.
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Quantitative phenotypic analysis of yeast deletion
mutants using a highly parallel molecular bar-coding strategy
Daniel D. Shoemaker (1), Deval A. Lashkari,
Don Morris, Mike Mittmann & Ronald W. Davis (1)
(1) Department of Biochemistry, Beckman Center, Stanford
University Medical Center, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
A quantitative and highly parallel method for analysing
deletion mutants has been developed to aid in determining the biological
function of thousands of newly identified open reading frames (ORFs)
in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This approach uses a PCR targeting strategy
to generate large numbers of deletion strains. Each deletion strain
is labelled with a unique20-base tag sequence that can be detected
by hybridization to a high-density oligonucleotide array. The tags
serve as unique identifiers (molecular bar codes) that allow analysis
of large numbers of deletion strains simultaneously through selective
growth conditions. Hybridization experiments show that the arrays
are specific, sensitive and quantitative. A pilot study with 11 known
yeast genes suggests that the method can be extended to include all
of the ORFs in the yeast genome, allowing whole genome analysis with
a single selectivegrowth condition and a single hybridization.
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Designer deletion strains derived from Saccharomyces
cerevisiae S288C: a useful set of strains and plasmids for PCR-mediated
gene disruption and other applications
Carrie Baker Brachmann, Adrian Davies, Gregory
J. Cost, Emerita Caputo, Joachim Li, Philip Hieter, Jef D. Boeke(1)
(1) Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, U.S.A
A set of yeast strains based on Saccharomyces cerevisiae
S288C in which commonly used selectable marker genes are deleted
by design based on the yeast genome sequence has been constructed
and analysed. These strains minimize or eliminate the homology to
the corresponding marker genes in commonly used vectors without significantly
affecting adjacent gene expression. Because the homology between commonly
used auxotrophic marker gene segments and genomic sequences has been
largely or completely abolished, these strains will also reduce plasmid
integration events which can interfere with a wide variety of molecular
genetic applications. We also report the construction of new members
of the pRS400 series of vectors, containing the kanMX, ADE2
and MET15 genes.
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Genomic profiling of drug sensitivities via induced
Guri Giaever(1), Daniel D. Shoemaker,
Ted W. Jones, Hong Liang, Elizabeth A. Winzeler, A. Astromoff & Ronald
W. Davis(1)
(1) Department of Biochemistry, Beckman Center,
Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
Lowering the dosage of a single gene from two copies
to one copy in diploid yeast results in a heterozygote that is sensitized
to any drug that acts on the product of this gene. This haploinsufficient
phenotype thereby identifies the gene product of the heterozygous
locus as the likely drug target. We exploited this finding in a genomic
approach to drug target identification. Genome sequence information
was used to generate molecularly tagged heterozygous yeast strains
that were pooled, grown competitively in drug, and analyzed for drug
sensitivity using high-density oligonucleotide arrays. Individual
heterozygous strain analysis verified six known drug targets. Parallel
analysis identified the known target and two hypersensitive loci in
a mixed culture of 233 strains in the presence of the drug tunicamycin.
Our discovery that both drug target and hypersensitive loci exhibit
drug-induced haploinsufficiency may have important consequences in
pharmacogenomics and variable drug toxicity observed in human populations.
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Functional Characterization of the Saccharomyces
cerevisiae Genome by Gene Deletion and Parallel Analysis
Elizabeth A. Winzeler* Daniel D. Shoemaker*,
Anna Astromoff*, Hong Liang*, Keith Anderson, Bruno Andre, Rhonda
Bangham, Rocio Benito, Jef D. Boeke, Howard Bussey, Angela M. Chu,
Carla Connelly, Karen Davis, Fred Dietrich, Sally Whelen Dow, Mohamed
El Bakkoury, Françoise Foury,Stephen H. Friend, Erik Gentalen,
Guri Giaever, Johannes H. Hegemann, Ted Jones, Michael Laub, Hong
Liao, Nicole Liebundguth, David J. Lockhart, Anca Lucau-Danila, Marc
Lussier, Nasiha M'Rabet, Patrice Menard, Michael Mittmann, Li Ni,
Chai Pai, Corinne Rebischung, Jose L. Revuelta, Linda Riles, Christopher
J. Roberts, Petra Ross-MacDonald, Bart Scherens, Michael Snyder, Sharon
Sookhai-Mahadeo, Reginald K. Storms, Steeve Véronneau, Marleen
Voet, Guido Volckaert, Teresa R. Ward, Robert Wysocki, Grace S. Yen,
Kexin Yu, Katja Zimmermann, Peter Philippsen, Mark Johnston, and Ronald
W. Davis (1)
(1) Department of Biochemistry, Beckman Center, Stanford University
Medical Center, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
* These authors contributed equally to this work.
The functions of most open reading frames (ORFs) identified
in genome-sequencing projects is unknown. New, whole genome approaches
are required to systematically determine their function. A total of
6925 Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains were constructed, by a high-thoughput
strategy, each with a precise deletion of one of 2026 ORFs (more than
one-third of the ORFs in the genome). Of the deleted ORFs, 17 percent
were essential for viability in rich medium. The phenotypes of more
than 500 deletion strains were assayed in parallel. Of the deletion
strains, 40 percent showed quantitative growth defects in either rich
or minimal medium.
[supplementary data click
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Widespread aneuploidy revealed by DNA microarray
expression profiling
Timothy R. Hughes (1), Christopher J.
Roberts, Hongyue Dai, Allan R. Jones, Michael R. Meyer, David Slade,
Julja Burchard, Sally Dow, Teresa R. Ward, Matthew J. Kidd, Stephen
H. Friend and Matthew J. Marton
(1) Rosetta Inpharmatics, Inc., Kirkland,
Washington, USA.
Expression profiling using DNA microarrays holds great
promise for a variety of research applications, including the systematic
characterization of genes discovered by sequencing projects1, 2. To
demonstrate the general usefulness of this approach, we recently obtained
expression profiles for nearly 300 Saccharomyces cerevisiae deletion
mutants3. Approximately 8% of the mutants profiled exhibited chromosome-wide
expression biases, leading to spurious correlations among profiles.
Competitive hybridization of genomic DNA from the mutant strains and
their isogenic parental wild-type strains showed they were aneuploid
for whole chromosomes or chromosomal segments. Expression profile
data published by several other laboratories also suggest the use
of aneuploid strains. In five separate cases, the extra chromosome
harboured a close homologue of the deleted gene; in two cases, a clear
growth advantage for cells acquiring the extra chromosome was demonstrated.
Our results have implications for interpreting whole-genome expression
data, particularly from cells known to suffer genomic instability,
such as malignant or immortalized cells.
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Functional Profiling of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Guri Giaever (1), Angela
M. Chu, Li Ni, Carla Connelly, Linda Riles, Steeve Véronneau, Sally
Dow, Ankuta Lucau-Danila, Keith Anderson, Bruno André, Adam P. Arkin,
Anna Astromoff, Mohamed el Bakkoury, Rhonda Bangham, Rocio Benito,
Sophie Brachat, Stefano Campanaro, Matt Curtiss, Karen Davis, Adam
Deutschbauer, Karl-Dieter Entian, Patrick Flaherty, Francoise Foury,
David J. Garfinkel, Mark Gerstein, Deanna Gotte, Ulrich Güldener,
Johannes H. Hegemann, Svenja Hempel, Zelek Herman, Daniel F. Jaramillo,
Diane E. Kelly, Steven L. Kelly, Peter Kötter, Darlene LaBonte,
David D. Lamb, Ning Lan, Hong Liang, Hong Liao, Lucy Liu, Chuanyun
Luo, Marc Lussier, Rong Mao, Patrice Menard, Siew Loon Ooi, Jose
L. Revuelta, Christopher J. Roberts, Matthias Rose, Petra Ross-Macdonald,
Bart Scherens, Greg Schimmack, Brenda Shafer, Daniel D. Shoemaker,
Sharon Sookhai-Mahadeo, Reginald K. Storms, Jeffrey N. Strathern,
Giorgio Valle, Marleen Voet, Guido Volckaert, Ching-Yun Wang, Teresa
R. Ward, Julie Wilhelmy, Elizabeth A. Winzeler, Yonghong Yang, Grace
Yen, Elaine Youngman, Kexin Yu, Howard Bussey, Jef D. Boeke, Michael
Snyder, Peter Philippsen (13), Ronald W. Davis (1,2)
& Mark Johnston (5)
(1) Stanford Genome Technology Center, Palo Alto,
California 94303, USA
(2) Department
of Biochemistry, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford,
California 94305-5307, USA
(5) Department
of Genetics, Washington University Medical School, St. Louis, MO
63110, USA
Biozentrum, Department of Molecular Microbiology, Biozentrum, University
of Basel, Switzerland
Determining the effect of gene deletion is a fundamental approach
to understanding gene function. Conventional genetic screens exhibit
biases, and genes contributing to a phenotype are often missed. We
systematically constructed a nearly complete collection of gene-deletion
mutants (96% of annotated open reading frames, or ORFs) of the yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. DNA sequences dubbed 'molecular bar codes'
uniquely identify each strain, enabling their growth to be analysed
in parallel and the fitness contribution of each gene to be quantitatively
assessed by hybridization to high-density oligonucleotide arrays.
We show that previously known and new genes are necessary for optimal
growth under six well-studied conditions: high salt, sorbitol, galactose,
pH 8, minimal medium and nystatin treatment. Less than 7% of genes
that exhibit a significant increase in messenger RNA expression are
also required for optimal growth in four of the tested conditions.
Our results validate the yeast gene-deletion collection as a valuable
resource for functional genomics.
[supplementary data click
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Systematic screen for human disease genes in yeast
Lars M. Steinmetz (1, 3*) Curt Scharfe
(2,3*), Adam M. Deutschbauer, Dejana Mokranjac, Zelek S. Herman, Ted
Jones, Angela M. Chu, Guri Giaever, Holger Prokisch, Peter J. Oefner
& Ronald W. Davis (1, 2, 3)
(1) Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine,
Stanford, California 94305, USA.
(2) Department of Biochemistry, Stanford University School of Medicine,
Stanford, California 94305, USA.
(3)Stanford Genome Technology Center, Palo Alto, California 94304,
* These authors contributed equally to this work.
High similarity between yeast and human mitochondria allows functional
genomic study of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to be used to identify human
genes involved in disease. So far, 102 heritable disorders have been
attributed to defects in a quarter of the known nuclear-encoded mitochondrial
proteins in humans. Many mitochondrial diseases remain unexplained,
however, in part because only 40-60% of the presumed 700-1,000 proteins
involved in mitochondrial function and biogenesis have been identified.
Here we apply a systematic functional screen using the pre-existing
whole-genome pool of yeast deletion mutants to identify mitochondrial
proteins. Three million measurements of strain fitness identified
466 genes whose deletions impaired mitochondrial respiration, of which
265 were new. Our approach gave higher selection than other systematic
approaches, including fivefold greater selection than gene expression
analysis. To apply these advantages to human disorders involving mitochondria,
human orthologs were identified and linked to heritable diseases using
genomic map positions.
data click here]
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Parallel phenotypic analysis of sporulation and
postgermination growth in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Adam M. Deutschbauer (1), Roy M.
Williams, Angela M. Chu, and Ronald W. Davis (1*)
(1) Departments of Genetics and *Biochemistry,
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305
We have quantitatively monitored the sporulation and germination
efficiencies of 4,200 yeast deletion strains in parallel by using
a molecular bar coding strategy. In a single study, we doubled the
number of genes functionally implicated in sporulation to 400, identifying
both positive and negative regulators. Our set of 261 sporulation-deficient
genes illustrates the importance of autophagy, carbon utilization,
and transcriptional machinery during sporulation. These general
cellular factors are more likely to exhibit fitness defects when
deleted and less likely to be transcriptionally regulated than sporulation-specific
genes. Our postgermination screening assay identified recombination/chromosome
segregation genes, aneuploid strains, and possible germination-specific
factors. Finally, our results facilitate a genome-wide comparison
of expression pattern and mutant phenotype for a developmental process
and suggest that 16% of genes differentially expressed during sporulation
confer altered efficiency of spore production or defective postgermination
growth when disrupted.
[supplementary data click
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Evolutionary Rate in the Protein Interaction Network
Hunter B. Fraser (1*), Aaron E. Hirsh
(2*), Lars M. Steinmetz, Curt Scharfe, Marcus W. Feldman
(1) Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.
(2) Center for Computational Genetics and Biological Modeling, Department
of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305,
* These authors contributed equally to this work.
High-throughput screens have begun to reveal the protein
interaction network that underpins most cellular functions in the
yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. How the organization of this network
affects the evolution of the proteins that compose it is a fundamental
question in molecular evolution. We show that the connectivity of
well-conserved proteins in the network is negatively correlated
with their rate of evolution. Proteins with more interactors evolve
more slowly not because they are more important to the organism,
but because a greater proportion of the protein is directly involved
in its function. At sites important for interaction between proteins,
evolutionary changes may occur largely by coevolution, in which
substitutions in one protein result in selection pressure for reciprocal
changes in interacting partners. We confirm one predicted outcome
of this process--namely, that interacting proteins evolve at similar
data click here]
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Role of duplicate genes in genetic robustness against null mutations
Zhenglong Gu (1*), Lars M. Steinmetz(2*), Xun Gu,
Curt Scharfe, Ronald W. Davis and Wen-Hsiung Li(1)
(1)Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Chicago, 1101
East 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA
(2) Department of Biochemistry, and Stanford Genome Technology Center,
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305,
* These authors contributed equally to this work
Deleting a gene in an organism often has little phenotypic effect,
owing to two mechanisms of compensation. The first is the existence
of duplicate genes: that is, the loss of function in one copy can
be compensated by the other copy or copies. The second mechanism
of compensation stems from alternative metabolic pathways, regulatory
networks, and so on. The relative importance of the two mechanisms
has not been investigated except for a limited study, which suggested
that the role of duplicate genes in compensation is negligible.
The availability of fitness data for a nearly complete set of single-gene-deletion
mutants of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome has enabled us to
carry out a genome-wide evaluation of the role of duplicate genes
in genetic robustness against null mutations. Here we show that
there is a significantly higher probability of functional compensation
for a duplicate gene than for a singleton, a high correlation between
the frequency of compensation and the sequence similarity of two
duplicates, and a higher probability of a severe fitness effect
when the duplicate copy that is more highly expressed is deleted.
We estimate that in S. cerevisiae at least a quarter of those gene
deletions that have no phenotype are compensated by duplicate genes.
data click here]
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