These files contain information about the S. cerevisiae deletion strains. The following is a list of all available columns and descriptions.
Columns and descriptions are:
1. Rec_num: Record numbers refer to each of strain backgrounds:
>10,000: mat a haploids
10,000-19,999: mat alpha haploids
20,000-29,999: heterozygous diploids
30,000-39,999: homozygous diploids
Four digit numbers preceded by an “n” are general record numbers and are not indicative of any strain type. For a description of the genotypes, see here
2. ORF name: Systematic name from SGDTM, named from the time of strain generation. Caveats: This means an ORF name may now be considered an alias name. For example, YJL206C-A and YJL205C-A are aliases of YJL205C (gene name: NCE101), but the deletion strain name is under the historical name: YJL206C-A.
3. deletion_ alias: Appended characters to the ORF name distinguishes multiple deletions:
_t: denotes a truncated, or partial deletion
_d: deleted or removed ORF in SGD
_1: numbers distinguish deletion strains with the same name
4. Essential: Disruption of ORF is lethal; strain is in the heterozygous background only.
Confirmation and construction primers sequences:
5. A_primer
6. B_primer
7. C_primer
8, D_primer
9. UPTAG_primer
10. DNTAG_primer
11. UPstream45_primer
12. DNstream45_primer
13. UPstream90_primer: Chosen for subset of the YKOv1strains.
14. DNstream90_primer: Chosen for subset of the YKOv1strains.
Confirmation PCR sizes:
15. AB_wt_PCR
16. AkanB_del_PCR
17. CD_wt_PCR
18. DkanC_del_PCR
19. AD_wt
20. AD_del
21. AB_del_PCR: Chosen for the YKOv2 strains.
22. CD_del_PCR: Chosen for the YKOv2 strains.
20mer tag sequences
21. UPTAG_seq
22. DNTAG_seq